Deep Nature Course

This is a beautiful five day immersion and journey into the heart of nature. It is a unique opportunity to rewild your senses, souls and bodies in the magnificent sub-tropical forests and mountains that overlook the ocean and then on to Africa.

This is where we will sit, allowing nature to find us and the trees and birds to come to us; there is no need to seek it, just to be still and to allow it back in.

Many of us live in nature disconnected times and a busy urban existence can leave us far from the healing and restorative power of the natural world. For too many the contact with nature is brief and superficial.

Yet even these fleeting moments spent with nature can become rich in meaning if we could but participate in the wild conversation that surrounds us.

This course is designed to help you understand that conversation and connect with nature in a deep, fulfilling and profound way. It is also an opportunity to completely unplug from that busy modern world; to recharge and reset yourselves in this oasis of natural beauty and calm.

During your stay you will rewild your heart and soul, relearning the ways of the Aboriginal and the nomad. From meditative sitting and listening to active mindful movement through the wildness you will be taken on a journey back to your true natural selves as you walk with nature and not through her.

This five day course will include:

Learning the language of the birds and how this tells us what is happening around us

Reading the story of the landscape like one would a good guide book

Learning how to find and track animals and then to sit quietly with them

Developing and reaching out with all your thirty senses

Allowing nature to heal and relax as we bathe in its restorative powers

Reconnecting to your wild roots as you unplug and tune in to your surroundings

Finding wild foods and medicinal herbs

Discovering and using plants to dye clothes, make rope and baskets

Using the stillness we find in nature to unlock our creative mental brilliance

Each day will begin with an element of meditative sitting in nature as we gradually reveal the conversation around us and what it means. As we move deeper into this great wild conversation it becomes apparent just how connected it is and how it crosses species boundaries. In many ways it is the original world wide web of information.

Then taking this peace with us we will move off into nature on our daily quests, which will culminate with each of us choosing and creating our own ‘medicine spot' after the manner of the Native American. It is here that the real magic will happen as we realise that the supernatural is no more than super nature and that we are an indivisible part of it.

As well as immersing ourselves in nature we will also be nourishing our bodies with beautiful, organic, seasonal and local food, supplemented with wild food that we find. The water will be taken directly from the mountain spring where it flows from the rock and aromatic herbs will be collected to strew around our camp.

This is a latter day rite of passage and a liminal journey which will leave you feeling refreshed and reconnected to the great beauty that surrounds us.

Cost: € 820 per person

Including accommodation and all food as well as the course.

All courses are fully insured and staff have remote response first aid training.

Book here